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Foundations - Python SDK feature guide

The Foundations section of the Temporal Developer's guide covers the minimum set of concepts and implementation details needed to build and run a Temporal Application—that is, all the relevant steps to start a Workflow Execution that executes an Activity.

In this section you can find the following:

How to install the Temporal CLI and run a development server

This section describes how to install the Temporal CLI and run a development Cluster. The local development Cluster comes packaged with the Temporal Web UI.

For information on deploying and running a self-hosted production Cluster, see the Self-hosted guide, or sign up for Temporal Cloud and let us run your production Cluster for you.

Temporal CLI is a tool for interacting with a Temporal Cluster from the command line and it includes a distribution of the Temporal Server and Web UI. This local development Cluster runs as a single process with zero runtime dependencies and it supports persistence to disk and in-memory mode through SQLite.

Install the Temporal CLI

Choose one of the following install methods to install the Temporal CLI.

  • Install the Temporal CLI with Homebrew.

    brew install temporal
  • Install the Temporal CLI with cURL.

    curl -sSf | sh
  • Install the Temporal CLI from CDN.

    1. Select the platform and architecture needed.
    2. Extract the downloaded archive.
    3. Add the temporal binary to your PATH.

Start the Temporal Development Server

Start the Temporal Development Server by using the server start-dev command.

temporal server start-dev

This command automatically starts the Web UI, creates the default Namespace, and uses an in-memory database.

The Temporal Server should be available on localhost:7233 and the Temporal Web UI should be accessible at http://localhost:8233.

The server's startup configuration can be customized using command line options. For a full list of options, run:

temporal server start-dev --help

How to install a Temporal SDK

A Temporal SDK provides a framework for Temporal Application development.

An SDK provides you with the following:

Python 3.7+ PyPI

To install the latest version of the Temporal Python package, run the following command.

pip install temporalio

How to find the Python SDK API reference

The Temporal Python SDK API reference is published on

Where are SDK-specific code examples?

You can find a complete list of executable code samples in Temporal's GitHub repository.

Additionally, several of the Tutorials are backed by a fully executable template application.